
PACs for Israel Give $853,520

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United Press International

Political groups advocating strong support of Israel gave congressional candidates $853,520 during 1985, bringing their total contributions since 1981 to $6.1 million, a Common Cause study said today.

Common Cause reported that half the 1985 contributions by political action committees lobbying for Israel went to 34 members of Congress serving on key panels with jurisdiction over foreign policy. Sen. Bob Kasten (R-Wis.) chairman of the foreign operations subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee, was the top 1985 recipient with funds totaling $107,600, the study said. Second was another subcommittee member, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) with $70,375, followed by Sen. Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) with $57,250. The three senators are up for reelection this year.
