
VET Q&A; : Allergies to Cats

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Q: I recently adopted a 6-month-old kitten. But I am so allergic to it that I have trouble breathing. I once read that there is something that can be added to a cat’s food that will reduce the effect of a human’s allergy. Do you know the recipe?--J.C.H. A: I wish there were a solution as simple as a cat-food additive to reduce the cat’s antigenicity to humans. Unfortunately, there is no such proven concoction.

Your best bet would be to visit a good allergist. Many people with mild to moderate animal allergies can control their symptoms with common-sense practices (for example, not letting the cat sleep with them), minimal medications and / or hyposensitization (allergy shots). Also, some people who initially react to the presence of a new pet find that within a fairly short time, their sensitivity diminishes or disappears altogether.
