
Shultz, Soviet Premier to Discuss Better Relations

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Associated Press

In the first high-level meeting since the Geneva summit, Secretary of State George P. Shultz will meet in Stockholm on Saturday with Soviet Premier Nikolai I. Ryzhkov to discuss prospects for improved relations between the superpowers, an informed source said today.

Shultz and Ryzhkov will be in the Swedish capital to attend the funeral of Prime Minister Olof Palme, who was assassinated Feb. 28.

President Reagan and Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the Soviet leader, reached an understanding at their “fireside summit” last November in Geneva to hold meetings this year in Washington and next year in Moscow.


No Date Chosen

But the two sides have been unable to agree on a date.

Meanwhile, Shultz and Eduard A. Shevardnadze, the Soviet foreign minister, have not met since November despite an agreement that they confer more frequently than in the past.

Shultz is flying to Stockholm tonight and plans to spend less than a day there. His meeting with Ryzhkov could accelerate preparations for this year’s summit.

Another likely topic is the slow pace of negotiations to curb the nuclear arms race. The last round ended in Geneva without any sign of progress.


Ryzhkov, 56, replaced Nikolai A. Tikhanov, 80, last September. He is known as a technocrat with strong ties to Gorbachev. He was named a full member of the Politburo, the Communist Party’s policy-making body, last April, six weeks after Gorbachev became party leader.

Shultz also plans to meet with Ingvar Carlsson, who succeeded Palme as prime minister.
