
Costa Mesa : County Democrats to Stage Convention

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State and local Democratic leaders will gather this weekend for the second convention of the Orange County Democratic Party.

About 700 Democrats are expected to take part in the convention at the Costa Mesa Neighborhood Community Center. Organizers say the meeting will kindle enthusiasm for this year’s elections with appearances by state and local political leaders and workshops on fund raising and campaign management. The last such convention took place before the 1984 elections.

Convention speakers will include Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, Democratic candidate for governor; state Atty. Gen. John Van de Kamp; John Garamendi, Democratic candidate for controller, and Kim Cranston, son of U.S. Sen. Allan Cranston.


Also speaking will be Assemblyman Richard Robinson (D-Garden Grove) and Superior Court Judge David Carter, candidates for the 38th Congressional District nomination to run against Rep. Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove). Assembly candidates Mark Rosen and Dan Griset also will address the gathering.

The convention begins at 5:30 p.m. Friday and lasts through Saturday night. Any registered Democrat may attend as a voting delegate.

County Democrats also are sponsoring a youth leadership conference Saturday at the Costa Mesa center for high school and college students. That conference includes workshops on campus organizing, campaign management and fund raising and speeches from Bradley and Garamendi.
