
Alleged Stalker Victim’s Call for Help Told

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The sixth alleged murder victim of accused Night Stalker Richard Ramirez died after making a desperate call for assistance to police in which he sounded as if he were “choking or gurgling (and) gasping,” according to testimony Thursday at Ramirez’s ongoing preliminary hearing.

William Doi, 65, of Monterey Park was shot in the head, and his wife was assaulted in a May, 1985, attack, according to police. An officer testified that when police arrived at the scene he found Doi lying in the den and Lillian Doi standing in the hallway with a pair of thumb cuffs attached to her left hand.

The prosecution did not enter any evidence linking Ramirez to the crime scene Thursday and in cross-examination, defense attorneys presented a police composite of the assailant that did not resemble Ramirez.


The 26-year-old drifter from El Paso is charged with 14 murders and 54 other felonies in Los Angeles County between June, 1984, and August, 1985.
