
Panama Rejects Marcos Plea but Seems to Leave Door Open

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Associated Press

Panama today officially rejected a request for asylum by deposed Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos, saying it was not in the best interests of Panamanian security.

However, Presidential Press Secretary Guillermo Antonio Adames appeared to leave the door open for further consideration of Marcos’ request.

Adames read a brief communique to reporters saying President Eric A. Delvalle “has made the decision not to accept Mr. Marcos’ request.”


But when asked whether that decision closes the matter, Adames replied: “Maybe.” Asked whether the government might reconsider its position, he said: “I’m not saying that. But in a negotiation, you never know.”

The communique said: “Panama has adopted this decision that apparently runs against the traditional willingness of its people and its government to proceed within the norms of understanding and humanitarianism.

“But beyond those emotional considerations, there should always be the invariable reason of maintaining above all the security of the Panamanian state and of its people.”


Marcos has been seeking permanent refuge since fleeing to Hawaii with his family aboard a U.S. military plane Feb. 26 after being toppled from power by a military and popular rebellion.

U.S. officials in Washington said they have contacted several nations after Marcos asked to leave his temporary home at Hickam Air Force Base near Honolulu and go to another country.
