
Opposes Clinics

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I am writing in regard to the San Diego Unified School District’s approval of the task force to study on-campus health clinics for high schools. I am vehemently opposed to what is going on.

It appears that Supt. Tom Payzant and colleagues are pushing in that direction without considering the true general consensus of the people. Instead of making a moral stand, they are giving in to our young people’s lack of sexual self-control.

Providing health care services that dispense birth control is only attempting to put a Band-Aid on the real issue. Making contraceptives available will only encourage sexual activity and will not guarantee fewer pregnancies. Sexually active teen-agers are not behaving in a responsible manner; how can anyone be sure they will faithfully use birth control?


It is time to say “no” and take a moral stand against the fleeting whims of our youth.


