
Soviet Union Shaking Up Key Diplomatic Posts

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Times Staff Writer

The Kremlin is making changes in key diplomatic posts around the world. New ambassadors will be sent to Washington, London, Peking, Bonn and possibly Paris in the next few months.

Anatoly F. Dobrynin, who has been the Soviet ambassador to Washington for a quarter of a century, already has been named a secretary of the Soviet Communist Party’s Central Committee and will return as a high-level Kremlin adviser on American affairs.

No replacement for him has been named, but Western diplomats believe the post will go to either Yuli M. Vorontsov, the Soviet ambassador to Paris, or Viktor G. Komplektov, a high-ranking official in the Foreign Ministry.


Leonid M. Zamyatin, who for years has been the Kremlin’s chief propagandist, reportedly will become the ambassador to London, replacing Viktor I. Popov.

Zamyatin, head of the International Information Department of the party’s Central Committee, has a reputation as an aggressive, sometimes abrasive advocate of the Soviet viewpoint.

He was the chief spokesman for Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev at the summit meeting with President Reagan last November in Geneva. Earlier, he was public relations adviser to former leaders Leonid I. Brezhnev, Yuri V. Andropov and Konstantin U. Chernenko.


Yuli A. Kvitsinsky, one of the Soviet negotiators in the arms control talks at Geneva, has been designated to take over the Soviet Embassy in Bonn, replacing Vladimir S. Semenov.

Oleg A. Troyanovsky, who for years spoke for Moscow at the United Nations, reportedly has been chosen to become the Soviet ambassador to China. He would replace Ilya S. Shcherbakov, who has held the post for nearly eight years at a time of strained Sino-Soviet relations.

Yuri V. Dubinin, at present the Soviet ambassador to Spain, is reported to be in line for the U.N. assignment in New York.


Dobrynin, who was dean of the diplomatic corps in Washington, is expected to return to Washington before taking up his new duties at the party Secretariat. Western diplomats said his return has been delayed by a leg injury suffered in a fall on the ice in Moscow.
