
Redondo Beach : Speed Limits Increased

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The City Council unanimously agreed Tuesday to raise speed limits on Inglewood Avenue to 35 m.p.h. from 25 between 190th Street and Grant Avenue and to 40 m.p.h. from 35 from Grant to Robinson Street.

Portions of Inglewood near schools will still be posted for a 25 m.p.h. limit when children are present.

The action was taken after City Engineer John Held reported that recent traffic surveys indicated that most cars travel between 26 and 36 m.p.h. on Inglewood between 190th and Grant. From Grant to Robinson most cars travel between 32 and 42 m.p.h., he said.


State law requires that speed limits on roads at least 40 feet wide be based on surveys. If cities choose to ignore the results of the surveys, they may not use radar to enforce lower speed limits because citations would be rejected in court, according to City Manager Timothy Casey.
