
Through the Shutter : Caring for the Camera

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<i> Purcell is an author of photography books. </i>

The traveler needs to take care of his cameras to have any expectation of good results. Basic care and maintenance of cameras is not difficult and can prevent breakdown and malfunctions during your vacation.

It is not likely that you will find a camera repair shop in the wilds of Africa or on a remote island in the Caribbean.

Much of what I know about taking care of cameras is what I have learned from Jorge Mora, the former director of camera repair at the National Geographic Society. Jorge now runs his own repair facility, Mora Camera Service in Washington, which specializes in Nikon equipment.


Jorge says that the most common problem he comes across when a customer brings in a camera is dead batteries. So first change or check the batteries when a camera fails to work. In some cases the batteries are OK, but the contacts or battery compartment may be dirty.

Invisible Dirt

Often such dirt is not visible. Contacts and batteries can be cleaned with a pencil eraser whenever you suspect this is the problem. Battery failure results in meter needle lock, electronic readout failure and in some cameras, failure of automatic winding and film advance.

My advice is to always change camera batteries before a major trip or at least have them checked. Carry one extra set of batteries for each camera body or flash unit.


Basically there are three types of camera batteries, the disposable alkaline type, the rechargeable nickel cadmiums and the wafer-thin lithium batteries. The smaller batteries are used only for the metering function and the larger ones are more often used for motor drives and auto-focus.

It is also important to protect your cameras from saltwater, sand and other foreign particles that can jam the mechanical gears or corrode the electronic circuits. Protection can be provided by a good, water-resistant camera bag or even clear plastic kitchen bags. Some cameras are sold with what is called an ever-ready case that offers some protection, but is not really convenient for quick shooting. Some pros call them the “never-ready” cases.

Like saltwater, spilled soft drinks can also cause internal camera damage.

During a trip it is wise to clean your cameras and lenses from time to time. Just dusting with a soft, clean cloth is helpful, but for more stubborn dirt use a cotton swab dipped in lighter fluid or alcohol on the metal parts of the camera.


Smudges on the optical glass of a lens can be cleaned off with lens tissue and lens cleaning fluid. If sand or dust should get inside a camera while the back is open, blow it out with a small rubber syringe, taking care not to scratch the film pressure plate or touch the focal plane shutter.

The Lens Cap

Lenses are less delicate than camera bodies, but it is important to keep lens caps on the front elements to prevent scratches. Also put a lens cap on the back element when the lens is not attached to a camera. Pack your cameras and lenses carefully in a compartmentalized camera bag to prevent metal coming into contact with other metal or glass.

If you take all of these precautions, your camera equipment will serve you well for many years and perform dependably on your trips and vacations. If your camera does malfunction on a trip, you can seek help at any large camera store in a major city. They may have their own repairman or be able to direct you to one. If you’re lucky, the camera can be fixed in a short time. If not, you may have to take your camera home. (This is a good argument for having two camera bodies on a trip.)

Not everyone has a Jorge Mora in his hometown, but most large cities have repair facilities. In cases of major damage, it is sometimes necessary to send your camera back to the factory or importer, and this will usually take several weeks.
