
Camps in Poland

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I have just finished reading a very interesting article (Opinion, April 6), “After 2 Millenia, a Pope Will Visit a Synagogue,” by George Armstrong.

Having been born and raised in Poland, and having spent the World War II years there, it hurts me to read again and again “Polish concentration camps” in your paper. I wonder, whether it is done through ignorance or maybe on purpose . . . .

Many readers who do not know, or understand history, will not realize that there were no “Polish concentration camps,” only German (Nazi) concentration camps located in Poland, which was at that time occupied by the Germans (Nazis) and run by them. Not only Jews, but many Poles and people of different nationalities were taken there and died there.


Your paper--one of the leading ones in the United States--should pay more attention to these misrepresentations, which are very important, and give Poles and Polish Americans a bad name.


