
Calculated Risk by U.S.

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Goodman’s column makes one see that we have begun a chain of events in which there may be “no turning back.” Many of us felt now we can stand “tall” and be a nation of power and strength. Others felt, “what have we done?” Terrorism has not ended! We now live in fear of “where will they strike next?”

What has it done to our children? Our children are constantly living under the fear of “no tomorrow.” This reaffirms their fear. As Goodman says, “. . . live in the now and worry about the consequences later.” This sounds familiar when we view the generation that is growing up in this Nuclear Age.

We live in a country where there is a diversity of nationalities, religions and races. Let’s begin to accept and understand our diversities and not hold on to hostility, blame or resentment. If we can begin to expand our views of each other then we will begin to understand what we are asking nations to do. What better place to do this but in this country and what better legacy can we leave for our children?



