
‘Baby Shower’ Aims at Pregnant Smokers

Pregnant women who quit smoking when they became pregnant or who still smoke are invited to what the American Lung Assn. bills as “The World’s Biggest Baby Shower” at 11:30 a.m. on Friday at the California Afro American Art Museum in Exposition Park.

The event, the third annual, attracts about 100 women each year, Lung Assn. spokeswoman Miriam Schneider said.

There will be fun and games--for prizes including cribs, strollers, car seats and other baby paraphernalia. And there will be a message. The event aims at helping to inspire pregnant smokers to quit by arming them with information about the endangerment to their babies--including a higher fetal death rate among smokers, low birth weight and long-term developmental problems in their children.


Need to Give Encouragement

For the women who quit smoking during pregnancy, there is need to give encouragement for them to stick with it, Schneider said. “A lot of women who quit smoking while they are pregnant start again,” she said, to the health detriment of their infants and children.

Along with the games and prizes there will be an appearance by actress Jayne Kennedy (a non-smoker) with her 6-month-old baby Savannah Rae, and a doctor speaking about the effects of smoking during pregnancy.

Any pregnant woman who smokes or who quit smoking during her pregnancy may make reservations by calling (213) 935-LUNG.
