
Role of Irvine Co. in Upcoming City Council Election

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I was very much pleased to see your recent coverage of the upcoming Irvine City Council election.

Are we really to believe Irvine Hotel Co. Development Manager Charles Wilson when he says, “We (at the Irvine Co.) are encouraged to develop our own conclusions and participate in the process”?

Isn’t it possible that company employees are judged by their support for company issues? And isn’t the bottom line for the Irvine Co. profit--a profit made by rapid development balanced only by the upwardly mobile tastes of as many people as they can possibly squeeze into their acreage?


Nearly everyone who has lived in Irvine for any length of time knows about the power plays of the company-dominated City Council.

Your article couldn’t have been more accurate when it stated that the voters of Irvine have a clear-cut choice--the Irvine Co.’s hand-picked candidates, Tom Jones and Hal Maloney, or our two pro-resident candidates, Ed Dornan and Larry Agran.

I hope our city does not make the same mistake that the people of Los Angeles are only now beginning to correct. The voters of Irvine, for the sake of all of Southern California, must stand up to the big developers before irreparable damage is done.



