
VET Q&A; : Getting a Reaction

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Q: You recently had a column on hypo - allergenic pets (those who cause the least allergic reaction in humans) in which you mentioned poodles, who shed minimally. This is true also of our Kerry blue terrier . We had despaired of ever having a dog because my husband is very allergic to dander. We then learned that the Kerry blue does not shed nor does it have an odor. We have had her now for more than two years. Are there other dogs that are hypo-allergenic? --D.Z. A: Airedales, wire fox terriers and Yorkshire terriers are also good choices for dogs that are somewhat hypo-allergenic. Soft, curly, shorter hair coats are preferable. The larger the dog and the longer, coarser and straighter the hair coat, the greater the chance the animal will stimulate allergic symptoms in sensitive people. Beware of shar-peis--their short but “spiky” hair coat can cause even those not allergic to dogs to develop acute rashes on the insides of their arms. Samoyeds are also particularly irritating to allergic individuals.
