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It’s no secret that “Pretty in Pink” was initially shot with a different finale--with Andie (Molly Ringwald) ending up in the arms of her pal, Duckie (Jon Cryer), instead of leaving the prom with handsome rich kid Blaine (Andrew McCarthy). Now you can get all the corny details of that original happy ending by picking up a copy of the Bantam paperback novelization by H. B. Gilmour.

Here’s what happened: Andie and Duckie arrive at the climactic prom, standing “proud in the silent ballroom, all eyes on them.” Blaine walks over to them, shakes Duckie’s hand, smiles at Andie and then turns away.

“He saw her smile,” Gilmour writes. “He saw her eyes accept his gesture, his unspoken apology, his admiration and love.” Then Duckie and Andie begin to dance, “without shame or concern for what anybody thought . . . dancing around and around, until they were one--one whirling, smiling, laughing blur of pink.”
