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On May 11, there appeared in Calendar an erroneous reference to Michael Mann as the “creator” of “Miami Vice.”

Pursuant to a call from my agent, David Greenblatt of Creative Artists, Calendar printed a retraction (“. . . Michael Mann was not the creator of ‘Miami Vice.’ The show was the brainchild of writer/producer Anthony Yerkovich.” Imperfections, May 18).

Although I appreciated the gesture, I was somewhat dismayed that, while the initial misrepresentation appeared in boldface on the front page, the retraction was buried like a dead dog in the lower forty: just a few small-cased words in a two-column Letters Annex section besieged on all sides by travel ads for South Lake Tahoe (Page 97).


All things considered, I feel it deserved a spot at least within shouting distance of intelligible life, on a page not primarily devoted to upcoming lounge acts at Del Webb’s High Sierra Casino and Hotel. Hell, even Ernst Krenek’s parents got a better slot (Imperfections, May 4).

As a writer, I’m sure you understand that my career, and reputation, rest in great part on my prior credits. It’s a tough enough business already without having someone grabbing at your by-line.


Universal City
