
Impact on Laguna Beach if Festival of Arts Is Relocated

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The Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters should not leave Laguna Beach. The City of Laguna Beach should not raise the rent on the Irvine Bowl to force the Festival to leave. Just think what will happen to local businesses and to the scholarship fund for the Laguna Beach College of Art.

If Laguna Beach loses the Festival, it will lose its image as a town for arts and crafts, artists and craftsmen. After having had the Festival for almost 50 years, it would seem a shame to lose it just because Laguna Beach is greedy.

The festival needs its share of receipts for bowl improvements. The city seems to forget that the lack of parking is a big problem and maybe relocation of the festival will help.


Irvine Meadows is more spacious and has adequate parking. The real losers in this fight are the artists and craftsmen in town, the businesses in town and the City of Laguna Beach.

Think again, City of Laguna Beach.


Laguna Niguel
