
‘Challenge for the Supervisors’

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I would like to take this opportunity to respond to your editorial (May 22), “Challenge for the Supervisors,” and to the references made to the Department of Children’s Services. While I appreciate recognition of the needs for this department, the implication that these needs are not being fully considered by the Board of Supervisors is incorrect.

Since I have been the director of the department, I have received support from all members of the Board of Supervisors. During the 1 1/2 years that the department has been in existence, its budget has increased from $89 million in 1984-85 to $102.9 million in 1985-86, an increase of more than $13 million. For the coming fiscal year of 1986-87, a budget of $114.2 million is being considered.

As a result of this increased funding, and in spite of growing caseloads, progress has been made in a number of areas with the full support of the Board of Supervisors:


--The average monthly population at MacLaren Children’s Center has been reduced from 266 in the first quarter of 1985 to 230 in the first quarter of 1986.

--More than 300 new foster homes have been added since March 1985 for a total of 3,648.

--The number of staff working directly with children has increased by 32% over the last two years, with many of these staff possessing master’s degrees and/or bilingual skills.

--A major case-management data processing system is currently being implemented, which will improve the county’s delivery of services to children.


--Emergency responses to allegations of child abuse and neglect are now made 24 hours, around the clock, by trained casework staff.

Although considerable progress has been made, I anticipate that increased public demand for services to children will result in rising caseloads.

This will require continued efforts on the part of the county, and the community, to meet the full needs of abused and neglected children.



Los Angeles
