
NOW Charges Terrorism, Sues 3 Abortion Foes

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Associated Press

The National Organization for Women said today it has filed a lawsuit against three national anti-abortion leaders to stop what it called a nationwide conspiracy to close abortion clinics.

“We believe there is a reign of terror going on, a national conspiracy to close abortion facilities,” NOW President Eleanor Smeal said at a news conference.

The class-action lawsuit, filed Monday in Wilmington, Del., claims the anti-abortion leaders violate federal antitrust laws by inciting their followers to try to drive abortion clinics out of business.


Smeal said NOW hopes to stem the rising tide of violence against abortion clinics. The National Abortion Federation counted 224 acts of violence in 1985, including four bombings and 75 bomb threats.

Harassment Charged

The three defendants, whom Smeal called “terrorists,” are Joe Scheidler of Chicago, Joan Andrews of Newark, Del., and John Patrick Ryan of St. Louis. Also named in the suit are Scheidler’s Pro-Life Action League and Ryan’s Pro-Life Direct Action League.

Scheidler, in a statement, said the NOW lawsuit “is part of a pro-abortion conspiracy to harass the pro-life movement. It will not slow down our efforts. We will simply increase our activities until every unborn child regains his right to life.”


“These three are national leaders. We know these organizations are spearheading the day-in, day-out harassment campaign,” Smeal said.
