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In his review of “Cobra,” New York magazine’s David Denby wondered, “How many members of the board of Warner Communications Inc., have seen ‘Cobra’ . . . a celebration of an American death squad?”

We tried to get an answer.

But a Warners rep predicted that we wouldn’t get far with our queries. (“If you call New York, they’ll only refer you back to me.”) He did reveal that board members don’t get scripts of studio films. But he didn’t know if they got early screenings. How we could find out? “You can’t.”

As for the board: Chairman Steven J. Ross, responding through his secretary, said, “We do not poll our board members.”


We tried. We found one board member who had seen it and one who hadn’t. Three others failed to return our calls.

Oh--Warners is aware of the Denby attack, which ends with Denby surmising that the 14 board members mustn’t have seen the film: “For if they had, what basis could they possibly have left themselves for turning down any movie as unworthy to carry the company’s name?”
