
Polanco Vote

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Richard Polanco’s about-face on the issue of building a jail on the Eastside is a prime example of political opportunism and community back-stabbing.

On April 9, Polanco issued a press release supporting the efforts of community leaders to keep the state from building a jail on the Eastside.

On June 5, only three hours after he was sworn in as an assemblyman, Polanco bowed to the “powers that be” in the Assembly and voted to bring the issue to a vote before the full Assembly, which is likely to approve the Eastside site for the jail. Polanco thereby virtually has destroyed the legitimate community efforts to block such a vote.


If his first official act as an assemblyman is any indication, Polanco will do well for himself in politics. It’s jut sickening to think what he will do to the community he represents in the process.


Los Angeles
