
Atheists and Graduation

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I am glad that Dan Brodhead is delighted that he’ll have a religion-free graduation, because I’m mad as hell.

Without consulting any statistics, I feel I can safely say that the people who do not object to a prayer at graduation ceremonies are in the majority. I am outraged (but not surprised) that the Los Angeles Unified School District would give in to the demands of one family when faced with a lawsuit.

If the Brodheads are able to exhibit such clout and feel so strongly about separation of church and state, I suggest they tackle two other “little things.”


How did their son feel about the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, which is standard practice each morning in public schools?

And how do the Brodheads handle the issue of U.S. currency? Do they not accept it since it contains the name of God? They should demand that “under God” be taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance and that Congress recall all currency in circulation and replace it with generic, inoffensive money.


