
House Panel Trims $1.4 Billion From ‘Star Wars’

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Times Staff Writer

The Democratic-controlled House Armed Services Committee, meeting in closed session, agreed Tuesday to trim $1.4 billion from President Reagan’s $4.8-billion request for funding of his so-called “Star Wars” space-based missile defense program during fiscal 1987, congressional sources said.

At the same time, the committee agreed to fully fund development of the small, mobile missile known as the Midgetman at $1.4 billion next year--even though the Republican-controlled Senate Armed Services Committee voted last week to cut its allocation to $700 million.

The House committee rejected four alternative proposals before the members agreed to accept a subcommittee recommendation providing $3.4 billion for the “Star Wars” project, formally known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).


Senate Voted More Funds

Last week, the Senate Armed Services Committee voted to provide $3.9 billion for the “Star Wars” program--including $3.6 billion to be spent by the Pentagon and $200 million to be spent by the Energy Department.

The proposals voted on by the House committee Tuesday did not include the funds that will be spent by the Energy Department. Reagan has requested about $600 million for “Star Wars” research by the Energy Department, bringing his total request to $5.4 billion.

White House officials have argued against all congressional proposals to cut SDI funding, saying that it would hurt the U.S. strategic posture and undermine America’s position in arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union. On Monday, in an interview with The Times, the President indicated that he is not ruling out consideration of a Soviet proposal to limit “Star Wars” development in exchange for reductions of strategic weapons.


Rejected Both Extremes

The House committee voted 25 to 12 against a proposal by Rep. Charles E. Bennett (D-Fla.) to freeze Pentagon SDI spending at this year’s level of $2.75 billion. It then voted 26 to 11 to reject the other extreme of $4.8 billion, offered in a proposal by Rep. Jim Courter (R-N.J.).

Not only did the House committee grant Reagan’s full request for Midgetman funding during fiscal 1987, it also agreed to a provision approved by a subcommittee that would prohibit deployment of more than 10 larger MX missiles until the Administration begins full-scale development of the Midgetman.

Differ Over Midgetman Role

Democrats view the Midgetman as the key weapon in their nuclear strategy, but many Republicans, such as California Sen. Pete Wilson, favor a slow approach toward development of the small missile. Instead, these Republicans want to lift the congressionally imposed limit of 50 on the number of MX missiles that can be deployed by the Administration.


The House Armed Services Committee is expected today to approve $285 billion for Pentagon spending during fiscal 1987, which begins Oct. 1. The defense spending total is still very much in doubt, however, because the House and Senate conferees have been unable to agree on a joint resolution setting spending goals for next year.
