
Cancellation at Crystal Cathedral

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If Robert Schuller was shocked by The Times headline (June 6), “Schuller Cancels Cathedral Address by Foe of Apartheid,” his response (Letters, June 16) was even more shocking.

Schuller states that, “The Crystal Cathedral was dedicated to be a ‘spiritual Switzerland,’ an oasis of peace.” He claims that Alfred Nzo’s appearance was blocked “On only one ground: The ANC (African National Congress) advocacy of violence. . . . “ He adds “The violence of apartheid itself is unconscionable, but if its cure is to be more violence, where will the killing stop?”

If we take the Rev. Schuller at his word, we must assume that he would deny Ronald Reagan the use of the Crystal Cathedral because of his violent attacks on Grenada, Libya and the naval bombardment of Lebanon.


Would he block the appearance of any state governor signing death sentences? Are the members of the Warren Burger Supreme Court also banned for upholding the death penalty? What about congressmen voting weapons for the violent contras?

By Schuller’s rule, membership in a group that advocates violence is banned from the use of his hall. Therefore, every citizen of the United States would be banned from its use also!

Robert Schuller might remember that a group of violent revolutionaries founded this nation, which insures his right to practice his beliefs as he deems fit, regardless of the absurd contradictions contained in that practice.


The Times headline stands, shock and all; Robert Schuller did cancel the address by a foe of apartheid.


Thousand Oaks
