
No Pity for Nahan From This Reader

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According to Larry Stewart, KNBC has victimized Stu Nahan and rendered themselves the ogres. How sad that Mr. Nahan has been notified just before his 60th birthday, just before his wedding (possibly in Italy), just before his European jog, all on $300,000 a year. How sad.

But I don’t think Mr. Nahan’s plans will be radically altered, just like mine they will go on. I’m looking forward to spending summer afternoons on the public tennis courts of Pasadena as I draw my last teacher paycheck through the summer. Both Mr. Nahan and I have things in common. Life is tough.

A whole column devoted to the subject of an overpaid sports announcer? Come, sports fans, and Larry, too. Give me a break.


D. CZOLBAPasadena
