
Simi Freeway

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We are most distressed to read about the difficulties Sylvester Stallone’s new film, “Over the Top” has encountered in getting permission to film on a Southern California freeway. It seems unbelievable that the authorities would prevent the world’s biggest box-office star and a major motion picture company from filming on a public freeway due to the complaints of some shortsighted local residents.

It is especially discouraging when headlines bemoan runaway production as a major problem for California and the motion picture and television industries. Besides the historical significance, it simply makes good economic sense to encourage local filmmaking rather than discouraging it. Local production provides for local employment, tax revenue, permit fees and local purchases which have a dramatic impact on the state’s economy. Why anyone would throw this away is beyond us.

What are accountants, production managers and producers to make of all this? Where will they shoot their next productions? Hollywood, Fla.?



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