
West Coast ‘Statue of Liberty’

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The $30 million Liberty Weekend party is barely over and we hear the suggestion that Los Angeles should acquire its own statue to celebrate its importance as a port of entry for immigrants. Doing that would probably involve setting up a private foundation to solicit contributions from corporations and schoolchildren, and organizing a star-studded gala to mark the unveiling of our statue.

I would like to offer an alternative suggestion. Let us rally our resoures to see that the needs of our tired, poor, tempest tossed, undernourished, homeless, jobless and ailing are attended to here in this city.

That there is adequate shelter and food for those who lack them.

--Better access to health and mental health services.

--More literacy programs.

--More accessible English classes for newcomers.

--Affordable child care for those who need it.

--More after-school programs for children.

--More doors into the world of work for teen-agers.

The list of critical human needs could go on.

A hundred years ago the French gave us the Statue of Liberty. Today, let us give ourselves the splendid gift of a city that cares about the survival and success of all of its residents regardless of origin, age or economic status.


That could be quite a lamp for Los Angeles to lift beside its golden door.


