
Anchors Away--Sawyer, Shriver Say Farewells

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United Press International

“CBS Morning News” anchors Maria Shriver and Forrest Sawyer, who were fired for low ratings, said goodby to the ill-fated news show today and then headed to a neighborhood bar for a farewell champagne and buffet bash with 120 staff members.

“They look like they are having fun. Maybe after a couple drinks they will cry,” chef Alan Raybauz said.

Shriver and Sawyer ended their one-year stints on the morning show with sunny words for viewers.


“I wanted to say a personal word, not goodby, because friends don’t say that to one another,” Shriver said. “Your letters reassured me that this past year, with all its ups and downs, has been worth it.”

Sawyer thanked the morning news crew and then turned to Shriver and said with a cracking voice: “And to my sister-in-arms, Maria, here--I am grateful to her. She has made the bad times better and the good times remarkable. On the other hand, I won’t have to put up with her giggling on the air all the time.”
