
‘Anybody There?’

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Your editorial (July 15), “Is Anybody There?,” correctly described an isolated problem MCI had that was associated with our recent acquisition of Satellite Business Systems (SBS). A limited number of new SBS customers experienced difficulty completing calls after equal access conversion.

Network programming and configuration problems have been identified and are being resolved. Further, recorded announcements for all current MCI/SBS numbers have been reviewed and updated where necessary.

Any SBS customer experiencing the type of problem you describe should call MCI’s toll-free number: 800/624-3222 and ask for Service Representative 8. This will put them in touch with our service reps in MCI’s Dial 1 Center. In addition, MCI Customer Service is available 24 hours a day with representatives fully trained to assist any of our customers. MCI’s Customer Service toll-free number is 800/221-5972 for Southern California, and 800/556-5600 for Northern California.


In answer to your original question--”Is Anybody There?”--the answer is “Yes! 24 hours a day!”


San Francisco

Bluestein is director of external affairs of MCI Telecommunications Corp’s Pacific Division.
