
Bishop William Johnson, First Shepherd of Orange

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During the past several days your paper has offered several articles on the life and death of Bishop William R. Johnson. As a member of his flock, I want to thank you for publicly celebrating the gift this man was to each and every one of us.

There are many times and occasions when one can readily see and hear the word of God preached and shared on doorsteps, radio, and television. However, Bishop Johnson used none of these. Instead, like the quiet wind that was the voice of the Lord to Elijah, he was for us shepherd, priest, brother and friend.

As shepherd, he was determined to lead his flock. Not just in a personal walk to Christ but in a shared pilgrimage where we walk with all believers, regardless of economic means, citizenship, or educational background . . . hand in hand in building a family in Christ.


As priest, he called us not to a simple profession of faith, but to a living faith nourished through the Eucharist, given courage through the Word and lived out through constant acts of charity.

As brother, he was gifted with the prophetic vision of seeing the goodness that God had created in each of us. He called forth that goodness to the service of the church.

As friend, he loved us. He loved us so much that his own welfare, health and happiness came second to the call that God had given him. It was a call to 44 years of priesthood, 15 years as bishop, and 10 years as the first Shepherd of Orange--a call to give his whole life to the service of God and the gentle loving of all.

It was my honor and privilege to have served with this man for seven years as a priest. I don’t worry about who will take his place. We who are left behind will have the courage to continue ministering as he taught us. I regret that more people did not have a chance to know him. Hopefully, as you meet us you will see his tenderness, his care and his faith still living in the family he called the Diocese of Orange.


