
San Juan’s Long Legs of the Law : New Foot, Horse Patrols Step Out

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Times Staff Writer

Sheriff’s deputies on horseback began patrolling creek beds and parks in San Juan Capistrano Friday afternoon, part of an expanded coverage of the city that will include officers on foot in the downtown area and unmarked cars cruising neighborhoods where increased illegal activities have been noted in recent weeks.

The new patrols will augment the two, and sometimes three, vehicles that cover the city on a contract basis with the Orange County Sheriff-Coroner Department, according to Capt. John Hewitt, commander of the south county division.

“Recently there have been a number of transients congregating in the creek beds (San Juan and Trabuco creeks, both of which run near the heart of town), as well as many reports of kids shooting BB guns and persons illegally driving off-road vehicles there,” said Assistant City Manager Glenn Southard.


In addition, he said, there was a recent rash of burglaries in one business district and frequent reports of windows being broken and other vandalism in several parts of the city.

The foot patrol, actually one deputy, “will provide a visual image to citizens and the many visitors to the city,” Capt. Hewitt said, and the deputy will make frequent personal checks with business owners.

Unmarked vehicles carrying two plainclothes deputies will be able “to move around on preventive patrol while blending with normal traffic”, he said.


Southard said the increased police work will not add to the $1 million the city pays annually for Sheriff’s Department protection.

Friday’s first horse patrol comprised Deputy Duane Turner, riding Breezy, and Deputy Alice Weir on Kim.

In less than five minutes after riding out from City Hall and along Trabuco Creek, they had flushed out three men hiding under a footbridge, drinking beer within a few feet of small public park and playground.
