
Towering Suggestion for Pershing Square

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I liked Sam Hall Kaplan’s piece on the proposals for Pershing Square (July 27), especially, “None of the Above.”

I’m a native, knew the square before the garage was installed--that’s when it really began to deteriorate--and now I think it’s a lost cause.

Here’s my entry for the contest: Assuming that the city owns the property, have the city build a beautiful high tower in the middle of the square. Use whatever space they need and rent the rest. Parking is already there for all tenants. Landscape the grounds around the building, just as Security Pacific did, and maintain the grounds as any other classy building would do.


Bingo, the eyesore is gone, the transients are thwarted, we still have a nice open area around the building, and the city makes a profit. Are you with me?


