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Many people here in California are opposing voter confirmation of California Chief Justice Rose Elizabeth Bird in November because they say her views are out of step with those of the public, particularly in regard to the death penalty. Many of these same people are supporting Senate confirmation of William Rehnquist as chief justice of the United States because they say he is highly qualified and experienced through his many years of service on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Other people are opposing Rehnquist’s confirmation because they say his views are out of step with those of the public, particularly in regard to civil liberties. Many of these same people are supporting voter confirmation of Bird in California because they say she is highly qualified and experienced through her many years of service as chief justice of the California Supreme Court.

It appears that both groups of people agree that individual qualifications and personal view should be used as confirmation criteria. They disagree only as to which criteria should be applied to each individual. This suggests that the disagreement is based more on personal views about each individual than on the application of stated criteria.



Los Angeles
