
Latino, Asian Units Call English-Only Movement ‘Un-American’

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United Press International

More than 20 Latino and Asian groups joined forces Wednesday to fight a nationwide movement to establish English as the official U.S. language, decrying the effort as “un-American” and “xenophobic.”

The groups, led by the League of United Latin American Citizens, said they will campaign against a proposition on the ballot in California on Nov. 4 that would establish English as the official state language. They will also promote the concept of “English Plus,” learning English and other languages.

“We agree that the English language is the American language, but why do we need legislation to mandate it?” said Ginger Lew, chairwoman of the National Asian Pacific American Democratic Council.


Spokesmen for the 24 groups told a news conference that establishing an official language would restrict minority access to education, health care, voting, the criminal and civil justice system and emergency services such as multilingual operators on local “911” telephone help lines.

Two bills are now pending in Congress that would advance the official language goal, a concept the Supreme Court has previously rejected.

“It is a movement which is anti-immigrant and xenophobic in character,” said Wade Henderson, associate director of the American Civil Liberties Union. “It is fed by the perception that immigration to the United States is ‘out of control’ and that large ethnic communities, particularly Hispanics and Asians, are not willing to assimilate in the traditional ‘melting pot’ process.”
