
ARC President Reacts To Criticism of Team

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In regards to Michael Mayer’s letter, I have two observations which I think need to be made. The first is that I find it hard to comprehend how Mr. Mayer could make such a critical commentary while he was 300 miles away from the game site. It would seem to me that anyone making such a sharp criticism of how a team played in a tournament would at least do the participants the courtesy of viewing the event. Without this first-hand perspective, Mr. Mayer has no idea what took place in Las Vegas.

The second item which must be brought to light is Mr. Mayer’s motive for attacking a respected organization such as ARC. As recently as the middle of July, Mr. Mayer was attempting to place one of his former Valley Conference players on an ARC all-star team. This player was denied a spot on my team because of his lack of team play and understanding of the game of basketball. Mr. Mayer shows great pride in his star pupil and continually shouts about this player’s basketball skills, while in fact, this player has been at three high schools in three years trying to find a high school coach who will allow him to play his helter-skelter and selfish style of basketball. Mr. Mayer criticizes Mid-Valley for making one pass within its offense when his star pupil rarely makes even one pass and this while playing the team leader position of point guard.

Michael Mayer was very quick to criticize a well respected organization when it did not win its usual national championship. I am proud of the respect which the American Roundball Corporation receives throughout the country as the No. 1 youth basketball organization in America. I will not allow a disgruntled “Armchair Quarterback” to wrongfully tarnish this reputation.


Brian F. Breslin

Head Coach ARC Ventura County
