
Bring Back Stuffy

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Bruce Horovitz’s splendid article of Aug. 10, headlined “Ritz-Carlton Mellows Out,” might more appropriately have read “Ritz-Carlton Knuckles Under to Hollywood.”

When that lovely oasis of gentility first appeared in our neighborhood, one wondered how long it would take for those gross, overpaid slobs in Film City to discover it and, by sheer weight of their dollars, take it over and try to shape it to suit their own vulgar tastes. Two years, that’s all.

Ah well, it is heartening to know that the dear old stuffy Boston Ritz-Carlton is still upholding their standards of gentlemanly attire, unimpressed by a Hollywood Name. While their staff are much too well bred and well trained to say “good riddance!” I can picture them discreetly dusting their hands and smiling with relief when Archie Bunker walked out the door.



Laguna Hills
