
FYI : Lost and Found

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No one likes to dwell on the idea that his or her pet might disappear, but there is no harm in being prepared. A good addition to your animal library is a 24-page instruction manual titled “Pet Recovery Kit,” written by Michael and Michelle Trunko. It tells you, step-by-step, what to do if you discover that your pet is missing. And if you haven’t found your pet within the first two hours after following the advice on how to conduct a neighborhood search, you’ll find out how to launch a full-scale pet-recovery campaign: what agencies to call, whether to advertise, how often to visit shelters, how to make and distribute flyers, and how to offer a reward and follow up safely on leads. A section on preventive measures is also included. Available for $14.95 from Samara Press, P.O. Box 3708, Akron, Ohio 44314.
