
The State - News from Aug. 29, 1986

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There have been famous trains dubbed the Orient Express, the 20th-Century Limited, the Sunset Special and the El Capitan, to name a few. Now comes “The Alquist,” the name of a new passenger train that Caltrans may operate between Monterey and San Francisco. It is named after Sen. Alfred E. Alquist (D-San Jose), whose bill provided the original funding for the proposal. Traditionally, politicians have been content with having their names put on libraries, bridges, parks and other public works projects. But Alquist, a longtime railroad man before his election to the Assembly in 1962, believes that the honor is fitting. “I am the only railroad yardmaster in the Legislature, and the only railroad yardmaster I know of serving in any legislative body,” he said. The legislation, by Sen. Henry J. Mello (D-Watsonville), was approved 39 to 0 by the Senate and sent to the Assembly.
