
Real Traffic Solution

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I have skimmed through your recent articles on the traffic in San Diego and the crowding of the highways during rush hours, and I have not seen any reference to the basis of the problem.

The highways are crowded because for some reason everyone wants to use them between 7 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. and between 3:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. The real reason the highways are crowded is that everyone has to begin work at 8 and quit at 5.

Real relief in the crowding would occur if the businesses got together and decided who would start at 6, who at 6:15 and so on through 8. Then only one-eighth of the traffic would be on the highway at any one time.


And if you wanted to provide room for many more people in the city, everyone should shift to the 3/36 system. Half the force would work three days at 12 hours a day for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and half would work 12 hours a day on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Then, only half the parking spaces and half the office space would be necessary. Or to put it another way, we could serve twice as many people with the capital structure we have now.


