
CPR: a Lifesaving Technique Everyone Can Use : Mitchell Bros. Lawsuit

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Re City of Santa Ana versus Mitchell Bros. Theater:

As a taxpayer in the city of Santa Ana, I was amazed, appalled and disgusted by the fact that the city has placed itself in a position where it may have to pay attorney’s fees to an adult movie theater, as reported in The Times.

It is outrageous for the city to have spent taxpayers’ money in trying to close down this movie theater. When I first learned that an individual had been going to the theater for 10 years and filming the movies with his 8-millimeter movie camera and tape-recording the audio portion with a tape recorder, I could not believe it.

I wonder who is more perverted, the actors in the movie or the people responsible for directing someone to sit and watch, film and record these movies for 10 years at taxpayer expense.


Furthermore, it seems that the City Council is not content with using the services of its own city attorney, but instead allocated $200,000 to hire an out-of-county lawyer who specializes in “anti-pornographic litigation” to further prosecute a case in which its own city attorney and its own city manager advised it to settle.

It would seem appropriate that the council members be held personally responsible for these expenditures since they are clearly ill advised and beyond the scope of their authority.

Perhaps the money would be better spent in educating our students about the evils of alcohol, drugs, prostitution and the like so that they would not frequent this theater.


Another legitimate expenditure might be special training or screening before hiring police officers who do not “get their kicks” by drinking and engaging in gun play at the Orange County Transit District parking structure in the early morning hours.


Santa Ana
