
Huntington Beach Riot

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I would like to express my full support for the actions of the various Orange County law enforcement agencies during their efforts to quell the massive riot at Huntington Beach.

It is truly pathetic that the reasonable force used by the authorities prompted misguided wailings of “police brutality” to spew from the lips of moronic degenerates, mere seconds after they had finished hurling dangerous objects, burning vehicles, destroying property, and assaulting officers during their drunken rampage of destruction.

Did these foolish rioters really believe that they had the right to commit all manner of crimes in the name of “having fun” and yet not expect any type of physical resistance from the authorities?


As for the bystanders who were struck by police as they struggled to control the mob, the question should be asked: Why were they standing there at all? Why didn’t they simply vacate the scene when the trouble started--instead of just loitering there, morbidly ogling the violence with mouths agape?

These types of attitudes are indicative of the “crybaby” mentality of “privilege without responsibility” that pervades much of our society today. These pitiful individuals should instead be grateful that our fine Orange County law enforcement authorities see fit to train their officers to use prudent restraint in handling these types of revolting situations.


Los Alamitos
