
Sex Education

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In response to June Fawell’s letter (Aug. 23), which said schools should provide character building instead of contraceptives to prevent teen-age pregnancy, I say providing information should be the education system’s role.

As a public health nurse who has worked within a school district, I can tell you that teen-agers need information about their changing bodies, about how pregnancy occurs, and how it can be prevented.

I agree it would be wonderful if we could teach our children a higher standard of morality, but it has to start at home, not at school. Many of the students’ parents are living with and sleeping with partners to whom they are not married. How can the education system compete with that?


I think if we can at least provide the children with the power of knowledge they have some defense against the ignorance that so often leads to unplanned pregnancies. More funding to the school districts for better sex education programs may be far cheaper in the long run.


Garden Grove
