
Merits of Unarius Debated

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This letter is in reply to your article about the Unarius Educational Foundation as reported by Mike Granberry (“Unarius Students Await Dawning of a New Age,” Sept. 29). I was one of the students of Unarius, interviewed over the phone by Granberry, and I was very disappointed that he chose to print so little of the truth which I and other students, who have been helped tremendously by the practice of past life therapy, so willingly shared with him.

I am just one of many who have been totally healed from the addiction of drugs, which is what I consider one of my minor healings. All healing takes place naturally as one is able to view one’s past life indiscretions with objectivity and take full responsibility for these negative acts against the self and others.

I’ve been a student and practitioner of the Unarius principles of self-healing for almost 12 years, and in reply to the comments reported as being made by Dr. Sheldon B. Zablow, I would like to say that I did not give up drugs, I was healed from the desire of wanting to take them and it was not hard once I understood the reasons I had this overpowering desire to take them.


My proof is my life. Since becoming a student of Unarius and seriously endeavoring to understand the advanced science of energy which Unarius teaches, I have learned to attune mentally to past lives I have lived which were of a more negative nature and have left me with the imprint of their scars of guilt, fear, mental ineptitude and various other physical disorders as well. The result of this constant mental introspection has resulted in numerous healings and I now have peace of mind.


San Diego
