
Viewpoint / Letters : Drastic Therapy Is Prescribed for Dodgers

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Thank God, the nightmare of Chavez Ravine is finally over. Deep and drastic therapy is needed so that 1987 doesn’t turn out to be just a dreary replay of ’86.

Al Campanis must retire! Far too much faith in the wrong young players and in aging players looking to wind up their careers in Southern California. Brock? Sorry, kid, four full seasons is enough. Maybe there will be less pressure in Seattle. Reuss, Cabell, Madlock and Landreaux? A new world of radio and TV announcing is calling. And get a new bullpen!

Finally, the Dodgers must stop babying their players. Mike Marshall’s mysterious back problem is the oldest trick in the books. The Dominican duo, Guerrero and Duncan, need some discipline.


Dodger management must do what is necessary to put the greatest, richest and most fan-supported franchise back on top, or the nightmare will recur and recur.


