
Prop. 61 Falls Behind in Latest Poll

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From Associated Press

A newly released California Poll has found a sharp swing against Proposition 61, the Paul Gann initiative to limit the salaries of public workers, among voters who are aware of the measure.

The poll showed voters oppose the measure by a margin of 24% to 9%, a marked change from a poll in August in which voters favored the measure by 21% to 17%.

“The arguments against are starting to have an effect,” said pollster Mervin Field. “The two gubernatorial candidates (Gov. George Deukmejian and Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley), leading law enforcement, labor, education and business organizations are all opposed.”


In both polls, however, a large segment of the population remained undecided or not yet aware enough of Proposition 61 to have an opinion. The latest poll was conducted between Sept. 24 and Oct. 2.

The initiative would limit the governor’s salary to $80,000 a year and would place a ceiling of $64,000 a year on the salaries of all other state and local government officials.
