
Reagan to Ask Continued GOP Control of Senate in 2 TV Talks

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Times Staff Writer

In an attempt to maintain the Republican majority in the Senate, President Reagan plans to address the nation two days before the Nov. 4 election and again on election eve, local Republican leaders said Monday night.

Margaret Martin Brock, a major Southern California GOP fund-raiser and longtime Reagan friend, said that she had been contacted by Rep. Guy Vander Jagt (R-Mich.), head of the National Republican Congressional Committee, as part of a special effort to finance two network appearances by Reagan.

Brock said that money was being raised in the name of the Republican National Congressional Trust, which, according to her and other local Republicans, permits contributions by corporations--contributions that are prohibited by federal law if made to candidates or to one of the official committees of either national political party.


According to Brock, Lodwrick Cook, chairman and chief executive of ARCO, has already contributed $25,000 to the effort.

Reagan’s election eve appearance, Brock said, would be during the Monday night football game on ABC, but that on the Sunday night he would appear on all three major networks.

Donald Livingston, a government consultant to several Southern California corporations, said that the idea was being greeted as “unusual and innovative.”


The appearance on Monday Night Football, Livingston said, “is the President going for his votes.”

Reagan and Republicans nationally have insisted that it is necessary to keep the Republican majority in the Senate to continue what is billed as “the Reagan revolution.”
