
Aquino to Set Deadline for Rebel Accord : Says Hard-Line Defense Minister Will Remain in Her Cabinet

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Associated Press

President Corazon Aquino said today that she is retaining her hard-line defense minister and will soon set a deadline for Communist rebels to accept peace or face “a declaration of war.”

The minister, Juan Ponce Enrile, has repeatedly criticized Aquino, saying she is not tough enough on the rebels. He has pressed for a deadline for the rebels to accept a cease-fire. Negotiations began in August but have not produced an accord.

Several Cabinet ministers have called for Enrile’s resignation.

A senior government official said that during a meeting late Tuesday with Enrile and others, Aquino agreed to certain concessions in exchange for Enrile’s support. The official did not elaborate.


A source close to Enrile said that during the meeting the defense minister also raised the issue of Cabinet changes and new presidential elections.

The source said Aquino refused to dismiss ministers opposed to Enrile because she “could not turn her back on her friends.” The source said the president also rejected his demand for new presidential elections because she “already has the mandate.”

The source described the reconciliation meeting as “polite.”

In a speech before a civic club today, Aquino vowed to “put a stop to the abuses of the rebels” and their efforts to “exploit the democratic space we have created in order to destroy the democracy our people have restored.”


“I must declare my intention soon to fix a deadline to mark the end of our efforts to achieve peace by talks and the earnest start of efforts to establish it by any means the situation calls for,” Aquino said.

“Our patience has worn thin,” she said.

She added that her government is still extending the open hand of peace to the insurgents but will soon offer them a fist “clenched in a declaration of war.”

After the speech, she refused to specify a deadline for the rebels to accept her offer but said it will be “soon.” She said that government negotiators had “just met” with rebel representatives and that she hopes “something favorable” will soon emerge.


Aquino said during the speech that there has been no falling-out between her and Enrile, although she acknowledged that there are differences based on style and that “radical differences in experiences” will remain.
