
U.S. to Honor Walker Deal Despite Doubts

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Associated Press

The Justice Department has decided to keep a plea bargain with convicted Soviet spies John and Michael Walker despite some lingering suspicions that John Walker has not told the full truth, two government sources said today.

The sources, who declined to be identified by name, said top Justice officials had decided that the Walkers should be sentenced as planned on Nov. 6 under the agreement calling for John Walker to serve a life term and his son, former Navy Yeoman Michael Walker, to serve 25 years.

In return, they pleaded guilty and promised to tell all they knew about the Navy-based spy ring that operated for at least 17 years.


Justice Department spokesman John Russell refused to comment on the case, but the sources said that the department would let a Friday deadline for any motion to back out of the deal pass without action, thus clearing the way for the sentencing.

The terms of the bargain had been attacked publicly by Navy Secretary John Lehman as too lenient because John Walker could be considered for parole in 10 years. It is considered virtually inconceivable that he would be granted a release then, however. Michael could be considered for parole in eight years and four months.

Lehman’s attack led in part to renewed polygraph questioning of John Walker and his brother, former Navy Lt. Cmdr. Arthur Walker, who also was convicted in the case.


This new series of tests was completed Wednesday and today at the federal penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pa., where John Walker is being held. “He’s not changed his story,” his attorney, Fred Warren Bennett of Baltimore, said today.

One of the government sources said that the benefit of the doubt has to be given to the plea agreement unless the evidence is sufficient to outweigh it.

Government investigators still have suspicions about John Walker’s candor but they are not substantial enough to outweigh other considerations, this source said.
