
Vatican Firms Its Stand on Homosexuals : Orders Bishops to Attack ‘Sinful’ Acts, Oppose Acceptance

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Associated Press

The Vatican today ordered Roman Catholic bishops worldwide to stamp out pro-homosexual views within the church and oppose civil legislation and other attempts to condone homosexual behavior.

Reiterating its view that homosexual acts are sinful, the Holy See accused pro-homosexual groups of engaging in “deceitful propaganda” and told bishops and priests to withdraw their support from such organizations.

“Increasing numbers of people, even within the church, are bringing enormous pressure to bear on the church to accept the homosexual condition as though it were not disordered and to condone homosexual activity,” it said in a 15-page letter to the bishops.


Approved by Pope

The letter, dated Oct. 1 and made public today, was drawn up by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican’s watchdog over doctrinal deviations, and approved by Pope John Paul II.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the congregation, said the letter was being sent because the controversy involving homosexuality “even in Catholic circles” has become a matter of “sufficiently grave and widespread importance.”

Citing passages from the Bible, the document reaffirmed that those who engage in homosexual acts are sinners. It said “an overly benign interpretation” has been given to the homosexual condition itself which “must be seen as an objective disorder.”


Reference to AIDS

In what apparently was a reference to the danger of AIDS, it said: “Even when the practice of homosexuality may seriously threaten the lives and well-being of a large number of people, its advocates remain undeterred and refuse to consider the magnitude of the risks involved.”

The letter said the church position on homosexuality “cannot be revised by pressure from civil legislation or trend of the moment.”

It said the church is “really concerned about the many who are not represented by the pro-homosexual movement and about those who may have been tempted to believe its deceitful propaganda.”


The letter accused the pro-homosexual movement of trying to project a false notion that homosexuality is “at least a completely harmless, if not an entirely good, thing.”

Struggle With Government

The guidelines were sent at a time that prelates in some countries, including the United States, are struggling with government authorities over the rights of homosexuals. Church leaders recently fought unsuccessfully against a New York city action designed to protect homosexuals from job discrimination.

The Vatican has taken disciplinary action against some churchmen who have advocated liberal views on homosexuality.

It said that in providing pastoral care for homosexuals, bishops must clearly state that homosexuality is immoral and resist pressure to change the church’s teaching.

“Departure from the church’s teaching, or silence about it, in an effort to provide pastoral care is neither caring nor pastoral,” it said. “Only what is true can ultimately be pastoral.”

The document said bishops should not allow the use of church buildings, including the facilities of Catholic schools and colleges, by such pressure groups.
